Saturday, October 8, 2011

Settling In

Well, Mom just used up most of my blogging time via Skype so this will have to be an express post.  Short version:  I have an apartment, but haven't moved in yet, and I have my second interview for a job as an English teacher on Monday.  My apartment is very close (cercisima) to the church, so I should hopefully be able to spend a lot of time there.  Accessing the internet has been a little difficult - the wifi at Heidi's house doesn't work on my computer or iPod for some reason.  I'm hoping that's just a fluke (i.e. that they will work at internet cafes).  I can put in the password and connect to the network, but can't access the internet.  If any apple pros out there have any hints for me, I'd appreciate the help.

I haven't been able to start much work over at the church yet - I've pretty much just been meeting and getting to know the congregation.  I'm very much living a bilingual life at the moment; English at Heidi's, Spanish everywhere else.  I can get over to the church and back via the bus on my own, but I still have a lot to learn as far as the geography and bus routes.  Hopefully in the next week or so I'll be able to start English and Music lessons over there.  We did buy an electric keyboard in town, so hopefully that will come in handy.

Ok, have to run!  I'll fill in some more details when I have time.

1 comment:

  1. Jake, this is so exciting! Also, I've had that problem with my MB and wifi before. The only fix I remember (it was a couple years ago) is restarting the wifi router. Good luck!
