Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Uphill Slalom

1/10, 6:00 am
Well, we're officially on the bus and on our way! Heather's worried about the weird little bugs she's been trying to kill potentially running up her legs, but other than that we can't complain. We should be in Limón for a quick break in a couple of hours.

1/11, 2:00 pm
We've been in Bocas del toro for almost 24 hours already - what a whirlwind. Yesterday, we went and bought groceries for a couple simple meals, picked up our bikes, and tried to catch up on as much sleep as possible. This morning, we went zip lining on Bastimentos island, which was quite the experience. I felt very safe the whole time (though I think Heather was a little iffy about the ropes course). The guides were knowledgable, helpful, and hilarious. 5 stars.

Anyway, we're about to have a quick snack/lunch and then head out for the beach. Today is our one year anniversary - I don't think either of us could have imagined being here today, and we'd like to thank all of you reading this who've made it possible.

Hasta luego,
Jake and Heather

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